Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Recession Depression: Reception Venue

Alright, I've already handled the biggest stressor...the reception venue.

I was very fortunate to get it in writing that I reserved the right to make any changes to the production--thanks Mom! Hard to believe, huh? Well, I booked the venue almost 2 years in advance, so Mom made sure that I was allowed to edit the contract.

So, today I notified the venue that I may need to evoke my right to make changes. I simply explained my situation and that I hoped to retain the original contract, but was unsure at this point. The only area to be hit will be the alcohol. If I remove the drinks, this will reduce the cost by over $6000! Plus, it will also mean that the reception venue is paid completely.

I'm really sad about possibly losing the alcohol, because let's face it: free drinks make guests stay longer and have more fun! But, oh well. I guess a dry wedding is better than bankruptcy...

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