- It's different
- It will give the guests the opportunity to write something besides their names if they choose
- It will hopefully speed up the guest book line by allowing more than one guest to sign their name at the same time.
- I'm already looking forward to opening all the envelopes after the honeymoon
- Scrapbook
- 12 x 12 card stock
- Glue Stick
- Scissors
- Die-Cutter (not necessary, but makes it easier)
- Envelope Die Cut
- Square Die Cut

I used all the Die Cut supplies mentioned in my previous post.
I bought all my card stock from Michael's. I am using the black and white linen 12x12 sheets for everything. The official names are Solar White and Charcoal Black. TIP: Figure out how much you need before you go! I went 4 times for all the card stock!
I used two different types of glue. First, I used the Michael's brand glue stick for glue the envelopes closed and Elmer's Memory Book Glue Pen for pasting the envelopes to the backer sheet.
I choose to use the same size envelope throughout the book because I like uniformity and it was easier. I used alternating colors with black envelopes and inserts on white backer sheets and vice versa to spice it up some. I am alternating black and white pages throughout the book. I also plan to make some stickers to seal the envelope in our accent color, lime green to add some color.

Difficulty: Really low
Labor: Medium
Price: Low, pretty much just paper and glue.
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